Topics Related to Cultural Resources (DCR)

Follow Jill's journey into La Concorde's past - first stop: France
Bronte shares her experiences interning in the lab in summer 2024
Terry describes bolt rope and its function as part of a sail
Join us Saturday, November 2 for our annual Saturday at the QAR Lab tours!
Jill Schuler, an IMLS-grant-funded research fellow, pursues research into the history of La Concorde before it became a noted pirate's flagship
Volunteer Michaela talks about her educational experiences and her time volunteering at the QAR Lab
Texas A&M Nautical Archaeology Program student Angela talks about interning at the QAR Lab this summer as well as her previous conservation experience in various labs.
Meagan shares what she learned during a 5-week internship in summer 2023
Besty shares her experiences interning in our lab
This month's artifact started out as a mysterious and hotly debated object. After several years, we can finally put the mystery to rest with a positive identification.