My Story

My Story: Summer Internship at the QAR Lab

Bronte shares her experiences interning in the lab in summer 2024

Author: Bronte Weatherford, Lab Intern

Bronte Weatherford

Hello, everyone! My name is Bronte Weatherford, and I am a North Carolina Central University student majoring in Fine Arts. I had no idea what to expect when applying to the QAR Lab. The reason I applied to an internship that studied archaeology rather than arts was because I felt like I was losing inspiration from many studies and activities that are art-related only. I felt it was best to try something new for a change and a fresh start. I was anxious not knowing archaeology or the detailed history of Blackbeard (history is not my strong suit).

Honestly, the first few days were nerve-wracking. It was my first time living by myself where I was far away from my home for the summer, and I was learning something completely different from what I was majoring in. However, in a matter of two weeks, I grew accustomed to my new lifestyle. Since I had no experience as an archaeologist, I started with small tasks such as data entry, testing pH levels, and changing water on artifacts for desalination. Then as days passed, I became more involved in projects earlier than I expected. Within a matter of a few weeks, I started doing more tasks without needing to ask questions or needing further guidance.

Summer 2024 Interns

Everyone who worked in the lab were the nicest and most considerate I ever worked with. Nobody made me feel uncomfortable when I asked questions, and they encouraged me and other interns to ask as many questions as needed. Since I am an Art major, my supervisor encouraged me to combine my experiences with my skills as an artist. My focus was on photographing the artifacts using a professional camera, judging the best images to choose for the image archive, and photo editing. Also, it was nearly impossible not to make any friends in the building. Being left out was not an option for anybody. I found it funny when everyone claimed they were introverts, yet everyone was more than willing to socialize. From my experience, the lab staff’s top priority is getting the job done through teamwork and friendship.

Interning at the QAR Lab for the summer was the best decision I have ever made. For those ten weeks, I had a wonderful experience working in archaeology. This opportunity made me feel I could do much more than I believed I could. The main takeaway I have from this experience is to accept a challenge outside my comfort zone and be patient. I look forward to visiting the Lab again in the future; whether it will be another internship or an open house event!

Bronte interned at the QAR Lab in the summer of 2024 through the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Historically Black Colleges and Universities & Minority Institutions of Higher Education Internship program

QAR Lab Intern Bronte. Image courtesy of Bronte Weatherford. Used with permission.
Interns Caroline, Bronte, and Angela with Lab Manager Daniel at an outreach event at Fort Liberty. Image courtesy of Bronte Weatherford. Used with permission.

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