Topics Related to Cultural Resources (DCR)

Conservator Elise describes evidence for windows from the site
Daniel shares a specialized tool in our collection, its use, and other associated artifacts
Finally ready for drying, timbers from site 31CR314 (La Concorde/Queen Anne's Revenge) make a trip to Maryland for special treatment
Kim writes about analyzing coal from site 31CR314, La Concorde/Queen Anne's Revenge
Nick dives right into his courses in Maritime Studies and gets hands-on experience in the field and in the lab
Terry describes one of the important elements for properly rigging a ship - the deadeye.
It was a busy year in the lab, with a lot accomplished!
Cannon are unloaded using special tools and a lot of patience
Terry writes about one of the many carpentry tools from La Concorde/QAR - the lathing hammer.
Terry describes the process of cleaning out the bore of a cannon